December 2021 Parent Newsletter
My son and daughter enrolled in MCS last year. My husband and I quickly saw the positive changes in our children as they were immersed in faith throughout each school day. Praying with their classmates, actively participating in Chapel, studying the Bible every day—it has brought them closer to Jesus on a regular basis.
Last December, when my then 8-year-old daughter and I were setting up our little ceramic Nativity scene, she put the tiny baby Jesus figurine in his manger and said, “This is my son. I love him very much!”
She quoted scripture—on her own! What a sweet, 2nd grade translation of Matthew 3:17.
Talk about priceless Christmas gifts. It’s one I will always remember and cherish. Sending our children to a Christian school has been a blessing to my family, and I hope it is for all of you as well.
Merry Christmas!
Magnuson Q & A
I asked a handful of MCS students and staff what they are most excited to do over Christmas break.
Here are their answers!
Ella, 3rd grade: "My favorite part of the holidays is giving presents and seeing the joy on your family's faces and spending time with relatives! And enjoying favorite family traditions, meals, and outings. It’s finding your elf and creeping down the stairs to find presents under the tree from Santa Claus!”
Elizabeth, 3rd grade: “To celebrate Jesus’ birth and make cookies with my mom!”
Ms. Ahrenholz, 4th grade teacher: “I'm looking forward to spending time reflecting on and celebrating Jesus' birth. I'm also excited to spend time with my family, including my brother and his family visiting from Indiana.”
Raya, 3rd grade: “to celebrate Christmas with the family and open presents.”
Isaac, kindergarten: “to celebrate Jesus’s birthday.”
Magnuson Dads Unite News
MDU—Magnuson Dads Unite—was at it again. On November 20th, a group of Magnuson dads and their kids helped rake leaves for neighbors who needed a hand. It was a great way for MCS families to get to know each other while serving those in need. Plus, they had fun!
MCS parent Nick Hudson organizes efforts like this. Please reach out to him at with “MDU” in the subject line if you are interested in pitching in.
Did you hear?
On November 23rd, MCS students participated in a special Grandparents Day Chapel that livestreamed on Magnuson’s Facebook page. It was dedicated to all of the wonderful grandparents out there, though families of all generations enjoyed tuning in.
On December 1, Miss Britta from Community of Grace led a special Advent Chapel for our students.
The MPTP Heggie’s pizza fundraiser was a great success. Students sold approximately 985 pizzas total to raise money for the school!
Kindergarten mom Britta Richter has started a Moms in Prayer International group at MCS. The group meets at 9:15 a.m. on Mondays in the Fireside Room (by the double doors) for about one hour. Everyone is welcome. Please join the group when you can!
Art News
MCS parents are well-acquainted with the beautiful artwork our children bring home after creating in Mrs. Mesenbourg’s class. Mrs. Mesenbourg shared what MCS students were up to in November:
She writes, “We sent Thanksgiving cards to Louann Lindbeck and Vangie Hagfors to thank them for being blessings to Magnuson. Everyone used oil pastels and wrote thoughtful messages inside. K-2 did pumpkins and 3-6 did a turkey…We talked about highlights on the pumpkin and the many colors of the pumpkin to help students add other colors besides orange to their pumpkins…For the turkey, we talked about the different colors besides brown that we saw in the turkey's feathers, including red, orange, green, and purple.”
She shared two photos of wonderful, student-created art with us. The lovely pumpkin is by a kindergarten student, and the fantastic turkey is by a fifth grader.
Turkey by Levi, 5th grade.JPG
Pumpkin by Jane, Kindergarten
Music News:
My heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him! Psalm 28:7
Like the popular Christmas song suggests, this might just be the most wonderful time of year to sing and rejoice. Our talented music, choir, and band teacher Ms. Lee shares some updates with us:
“Magnuson students have been hard at work preparing for this year's virtual Christmas program. The finalized video will be shared with families the week leading up to Christmas; be on the lookout for that! Before leaving for Christmas break, a goodie bag will be sent home with your student to enjoy while you watch the Christmas program. I encourage you to make it a family event and watch the entire program together. Just as Christ was born into an earthly family, there's something special about journeying with our own families to the manger. I'm so proud of all the effort these students have put in to not only sound beautiful, but to lead us in worship to adore the newborn King!”
We can’t wait to tune in!
Important Dates:
Get ready for the popular MPTP bake sale. It’s the perfect time to pick up some delicious hostess gifts and treats for your upcoming celebrations. The bake sale will be December 19th, 8:30-12:30 p.m., in the CGLC lobby.
December 20-January 3: Christmas Break.
We hope you enjoy celebrating Christmas and spending time with family. We look forward to seeing students when school resumes, Monday, January 3rd!
December Newsletter Verse:
There are many wonderful verses to share during the Christmas season, but as we approach the darkest day of the year, it seems fitting to remember the true light of the world!
“The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him.”
John 1:9-10
Share your news
If you have family or student news you’d like to share with the MCS community in this newsletter, please send me an email at with “MCS Blog” in the subject line!
Blessings to you and your families,
Julia Arnold
MCS Parent and Board Member